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What Are Deck Lights?

What Are Deck Lights?

Deck Step Lights

Deck lights are lights that are installed on a deck or patio to provide illumination. They can be used for both functional and aesthetic purposes, such as providing light for safety and navigation, or highlighting the deck's design and features. Deck lights can come in a variety of styles, such as recessed, post-mounted, or rail-mounted, and can be powered by electricity or solar power. They are commonly used on outdoor decks, patios, and other outdoor living spaces.

Deck lights are a great way to enhance the safety, functionality, and aesthetics of your outdoor living space. Whether you're planning to entertain guests, dine al fresco, or simply enjoy the outdoors, deck lights can help create the perfect ambiance for your space.

When it comes to deck lighting, there are a few general guidelines that should be followed to ensure adequate lighting on a deck. For safety and navigation, it is recommended to have a minimum of 5 foot-candles of light on the deck's walking surfaces. This can be achieved by using a combination of overhead and task lighting. For socializing and entertaining, it is suggested to have a minimum of 10-15 foot-candles of light. This can be achieved by using a combination of overhead and task lighting, as well as accent lighting to highlight features such as plants, artwork, or built-in seating. For dining and cooking, it is suggested to have a minimum of 30 foot-candles of light. This can be achieved by using a combination of overhead and task lighting, with the task lighting directed towards the dining and cooking areas.

What is a "foot-candle"?

A foot-candle is a unit of measurement that describes the amount of light falling on a surface. One foot-candle is equivalent to the amount of light produced by one candle at a distance of one foot. It is used to measure the intensity of light in a given area, and is commonly used in lighting design and engineering. The higher the number of foot-candles, the brighter the area is.

Deck Rail Lighting

There are several types of fixtures that are commonly used as deck lights, including recessed lights, post-mounted lights, rail-mounted lights, step lights, in-deck lights, and string lights. Each type of light serves a specific purpose, and the right type of light will depend on the design of the deck and the desired effect.

Commonly used as deck lights:

  • Recessed lights: These are lights that are installed into the deck or patio surface, providing a flush, low-profile look. They can be used to provide general or task lighting.

  • Post-mounted lights: These lights are mounted on posts or columns and can be used to provide general or accent lighting. They can be used to light up steps, railings, or other features on a deck.

  • Rail-mounted lights: These lights are mounted on the deck's railing and can be used to provide task or accent lighting. They can be used to light up steps, walkways, or other features on a deck.

  • Step lights: These lights are designed to be mounted on the riser of a step and can be used to provide task or accent lighting. They can be used to light up steps, walkways, or other features on a deck.

  • In-deck lights: These lights are installed into the decking itself and can be used to provide general or accent lighting. They can be used to light up steps, walkways, or other features on a deck.

  • String lights: These lights are strung along the deck's railing, posts or beams and can be used to provide ambient or accent lighting.

It's important to note that all of these types of lights can be powered by electricity or solar power. Additionally, these are not the only types of deck lights, other types of landscape lighting and outdoor lights can also be used depending on the deck design.

Deck Lighting

When it comes to installation, the difficulty of installing deck lighting will depend on the specific type of lights and the existing electrical system. Some types of deck lights, such as solar-powered lights, are relatively easy to install and do not require any electrical wiring. Other types of deck lights, such as those that are hardwired into the electrical system, may require some electrical knowledge and experience to install safely and properly.

If you're planning to install deck lighting, it's important to consider your own skills and experience, as well as the complexity of the project. If you are comfortable working with electrical wiring and have some experience with home improvement projects, you may be able to install deck lights on your own. However, if you have no experience working with electrical wiring, it's better to hire a licensed electrician to install the deck lights for you.

In conclusion, deck lights are a great way to enhance the safety, functionality, and aesthetics of your outdoor living space. With the right type of lights and the right amount of light, you can create the perfect ambiance for your deck or patio. However, before installing deck lights, it's important to consider your own skills and experience, as well as the complexity of the project and to follow local building codes and electrical codes.

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