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Home Lighting Sale! - Discover Savings Up To 40% OFF

Shop Our Home Lighting Store's Designer Wall Sconces Collection

Illuminate your interiors with the refined elegance of our Designer Wall Sconces collection. This selection presents a sophisticated array of wall lighting fixtures, meticulously crafted to blend form and function seamlessly. From the contemporary to the classic, each wall light in our collection is chosen for its ability to enhance the ambiance of any space, be it a hallway, living room, bedroom, or bathroom. Our designer wall sconces provide not only a source of ambient lighting but also serve as striking decorative elements that reflect the latest trends in interior design.

Our Designer Wall Sconces span a broad spectrum of styles, ensuring a perfect match for any decorating theme. Discover sleek, minimalist sconces that embody modern simplicity, ornate traditional fixtures that add a touch of time-honored elegance, industrial-inspired designs that bring a raw, edgy vibe, and artistic sconces that double as sculptural pieces. Available in a range of finishes, including brushed nickel, antique brass, matte black, and polished chrome, these sconces are designed to complement your existing décor while making a style statement.

Interior designers often utilize wall sconces for their versatility and the unique lighting effect they create. A popular home lighting approach is to place sconces at eye level, casting a soft, diffused light that adds warmth and depth to a room. For a dramatic effect, consider using sconces to highlight architectural features or artwork, creating focal points and adding visual interest. In bedrooms and reading nooks, adjustable or swing-arm sconces offer directed light that’s perfect for reading or tasks, combining functionality with stylish design.

How do I choose a wall sconce?

Choosing a wall sconce involves considering both its functional purpose and its aesthetic fit within your space. First, identify the primary function of the sconce: Is it for ambient lighting, task lighting, or accent lighting? For task lighting, such as reading, opt for a sconce with a directional light or an adjustable arm. For ambient or accent lighting, a sconce that diffuses light more broadly might be more appropriate. Next, consider the design and finish of the sconce to ensure it complements the room's overall style—whether modern, traditional, or eclectic.

What size sconce do I need?

Choosing the right size sconce for your space involves considering the scale of the area where it will be installed and the purpose it serves. A good starting point is to think about the size of the wall or the object (like a mirror or piece of art) it will complement. For smaller walls or to flank smaller artwork or mirrors, opt for sconces that are slim and compact, typically around 12 inches in height or smaller. In larger spaces or alongside bigger pieces, sconces that are 18 inches or taller can make a more proportional impact. The width of the sconce should also be in harmony with its surroundings—a general rule is for the sconce to occupy about one-fourth to one-third of the width of the object it's lighting or the space it occupies on the wall. Additionally, consider the light output needed; larger sconces may offer more illumination, suitable for broader areas or task lighting, whereas smaller sconces might be ideal for accent lighting or tighter spaces. Balancing these dimensions with the sconce's design and the room's overall aesthetic will help you select a fixture that is both functional and visually pleasing.

What is the proper height for wall sconces?

The proper height for installing wall sconces depends on their intended use and the room's configuration, but a general guideline is to position them approximately 60 to 72 inches from the floor. This range ensures the light is distributed evenly and reduces the likelihood of glare or harsh shadows, creating a comfortable ambiance in the space. In living rooms or hallways, where sconces are used for ambient lighting, positioning them closer to the 72-inch mark can enhance the spread of light. For task lighting, such as beside a bed or reading chair, the lower end of the range, closer to 60 inches, may be more appropriate to focus the light where it's needed. If installing sconces on either side of a mirror or artwork, adjust their height based on the center point of the fixture they're flanking to achieve balanced illumination and visual harmony.